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Methyl, Methyltestosterone, Hubei

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Methyl, Methyltestosterone, Hubei, 50 tablets / 10 mg

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    Oral steroid - Methyltestosterone

    Brand name: Android, Testred, Virilon.

    Generic name: METHYLTESTOSTERONE - ORAL (METH-ill-tess-TOSS-ter-own).

    Active ingredient: Methyltestosterone.

    Methyltestosterone Usage:

    Androgens are hormones indicates for replacement in men who are not creaing proper quantities of testosterone for different causes. Methyltestosterone is also suggested in females to treat breast growth and postpartum mamar pain or engorgement.

    Methyltestosterone Measure:

    The correct measure for androgens differs depending on the age, sex, also diagnosis of the individual patient. Measure is adjusted according to the patient's effect and the appearance of negative symptoms.

    Additional healing in androgen-deficient males is 10 to 50 mg of Methyltestosterone day by day.

    Dosages administrated in late puberty usually are in the lower range of that given above, and for a limited period, for example four to 6 months.

    Females with metastatic breast carcinoma have to be followed closely because androgen therapy sporadically appears to harry the disease. Therefore, lots of specialists select to use the shorter acting androgen medications rather than those with prolonged action for cure breast carcinoma, particularly during the early phases of androgen healing. The dosage of Methyltestosterone for androgen therapy in breast carcinoma in women is from 50-200 mg every day.


    Tell your doctor your medical history, specially of: prostate cancer, breast cancer (males), liver diorders, heart problems, kidney diorders, enlarged prostate, as well allergies. Over dosage, long-term taking of androgens has been linked to liver growth. Talk your drug with your specialist. Women should be examined for signs of virilization, such as deepening of the voice, facial hair, spots, menstrual diorders, or clitoral enlargement. Consult your specialist promptly if any of these results appear. Administration in young people has to be undertaken with over attention due to the option this medication can have unwanted symptoms linked to the growth of the child. Geriatric males are at higher risk for developing enlarged prostates or prostate tumor when taking Methyltestosterone. Methyltestosterone should not be administrated during pregnancy. In case you become pregnant or think you may be pregnant, tell your physician at once. It is not known if Methyltestosterone is excreted into breast milk. Because the possibility exists this drug can have severe, unsafe effects on a nursing child, nursing should not be started while using Methyltestosterone. Discuss to your doctor.

    Methyltestosterone Side reactions:

    This medicine may cause:

    - intestinal trouble,

    - headache,

    - bad skin.

    These symptoms should vanish as your body modifies to Methyltestosterone. Other undesirable effects can include:

    - increased hair growth on the face and body,

    - man pattern baldness,

    - change in sex drive,

    - anxiety,

    - unhdepression.

    - Men can experience enlargement of the breasts as well increase in the frequency and duration of erections.


    If every of these results remain or become difficult, contact your doctor. Inform your specialist in case you have:

    - vertigo,

    - vomiting,

    - swelling of the hands or feet (edema),

    - Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin, dark urine).


    In women this may cause:

    - menstrual irregularities,

    - hoarseness,

    - deepening of the voice,

    - clitoral enlargement,

    - increased facial hair growth,

    - bad skin or thinning of hair.

    Inform your doctor in case you observe any of these consequnces. In case you notice other responses not named above, contact your doctor.

    Methyltestosterone Lost measure:

    If you unused a dosage, use it as soon as remembered; it is forbidden to use it if it is close the hour for the following measure, instead, miss the forgotten dosage as well continue your standard dosaging calendar. It isn't permited to "double-up" the quantity to catch up.

    Methyltestosterone Extradosage:

    If overmeasure is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room at once.


    Store at room temperature among 59 - 86 degrees F (15 to 30 degrees C) out from heat, light also humidity. Do not keep in the bathroom.

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    Methyl, Methyltestosterone, Hubei


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Methyl, Methyltestosterone, Hubei

Methyl, Methyltestosterone, Hubei

Methyl, Methyltestosterone, Hubei, 50 tablets / 10 mg