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Lovegra - woman Viagra, India

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Lovegra - woman Viagra, India

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  • Lovegra Tablets

    Lovegra is a popular form serious steroid eshop of sildenafil citrate tablets developed particularly for women. It is pink in colour and is packaged in blisterpacks of 4 tablets. In recent times, the open discussion of sexual conditions in women has become more commonplace. Conditions like FSD (female sexual dysfunction) and FSAD (female sexual arousal disorder) are now being taken seriously by doctors. Although current evidence is consider european pharmacy anecdotal, many GPs and specialists are starting to prescribe sildenafil citrate to women.

    Women taking the medicine can experience increased bloodflow and sensitivity in the vaginal area and this can in turn lead to better natural lubrication and increased rate of success during intercourse. Symptoms and serious steroid eshop conditions effecting women can be based on physiological or psychological factors and this treatment can aid in both. We european pharmacy strongly recommend that 50mg of Lovegra is taken first, before increasing dose if serious steroid eshop necessary. This can be easily achieved by breaking a tablet in half or more accurately by using a pill splitter sold on this website. This medication should not be taken during pregnancy unless your GP european pharmacy european pharmacy advises you otherwise.

    The effective treatment time of Lovegra is 4 - 6 hours but many patients report longer effective times.

    The active ingredient of Lovegra is Sildenafil Citrate. It belongs to the PDE-5 family of vasodilators. These drugs work by dilating the blood vessels in the body; particularly around the genital area. Lovegra is not an aphrodisiac and stimulation will be required to achieve results.


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Lovegra - woman Viagra, India

Lovegra - woman Viagra, India

Lovegra - woman Viagra, India